1st day (November 26)

Game records of 1st Day
2nd day (November 27)

Game records of 2nd Days
Originality award
Deep Esper(Mr. Yasunori Koshikawa)【Reason for Awarding】
This year, the “Originality Award” will be presented to DeepEsper for its demonstration of voice commentary of a move. Deep learning requires a large amount of teacher data. When deep learning is used to explain the moves of a game, the lack of data is usually a problem. Thus it is difficult to explain the moves without any sense of discomfort.Usually, this is where the problem arises and development slows down, but the originality of this project was that it put the problem of insufficient data aside, and go forward.
DeepEsper added audio anyway, and completed a “Go program that continues to explain moves without hesitation”. It demonstrated the audio commentary on site.There is no way to understand the actual effects unless you try. This work also showed that it is possible to create entertaining works that may not give correct explanations from time to time.
Kunihito Hoki, Chairman of the Selection Committee for the Originality Award

Newcomer award
The Newcomer Award is given to the best performing program developed by a main programmer under the age of 30. This year's winner is Symplect Go (by Mr. 安修远). This program was the winner; at 17 years old, it is the youngest ever.