March 21, 19:00 updated
1st day (March 20)

All game redords of Day1 is Here.
2nd day (March 21)

All game records of 2Day is here.
Originality award
Mr. Kunihito Hoki, the chairman of the selection committee, decided to present the Original Creation Award to Mr. Naoki Jinguji of BSK, who expressed the degree of belligerence using a unique model called "Combat Madness Index" and realized a belligerent style of Go. Congratulations!The award certificate is as follows. The certificate and plaque will be sent to you at a later date.

Newcomer award
The Newcomer Award is given to the best performing program by a developer under the age of 30 (no previous awards).The winner was Zhao Haoming from VisionGo.This is a double award with 1st place. Congratulations!
We will send him a plaque and prize money later.